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 Twas a good party

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Number of posts : 22
Registration date : 2007-05-05

Twas a good party Empty
PostSubject: Twas a good party   Twas a good party Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2007 5:56 am

Just felt like posting up a few screenshots of my last party, got 6 merits and chain 204 ^^
Got 20k an hour, well just over it anyway ^^
Twas a good party DSC00355
Twas a good party DSC00354
Twas a good party DSC00358
We could have gone on longer but our brd had to go and why start that chain all over again? >.> Either way we were satisfied Razz
PS: I appologise for the crappy shots but I dont use windower...

Twas a good party Maje_sig
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