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 For Kenpu... DiVX/xViD/MKV/MP4/AVI video playback

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Number of posts : 19
Age : 44
Registration date : 2007-06-27

For Kenpu... DiVX/xViD/MKV/MP4/AVI video playback Empty
PostSubject: For Kenpu... DiVX/xViD/MKV/MP4/AVI video playback   For Kenpu... DiVX/xViD/MKV/MP4/AVI video playback Icon_minitimeFri Aug 17, 2007 5:49 am

Video LAN Player:

Now, if you encounter problems there, go here:

Install it then restart PC. (Install just Media Player Classic, not the other media player as it tends to have issues.)

For Xvid:
(In case you run into problems using CCCP codec pack above.)

For Divx:
(If you want to use this instead of ffdshow codec in CCCP isn't working right.)

I also have Core AVC/MP4 HD codec on me if needed, but if you have a high-end machine to handle it. XD

- Ase
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For Kenpu... DiVX/xViD/MKV/MP4/AVI video playback
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